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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What about the apes!?

What about the apes? They don't get to evolve? Think about it....

If around 6 to 8 million years ago, we were a lot like apes are now, did the apes that didn't win the lotto to be on the right continent or sit in the sun long enough to become humans not evolve or even adapt or change at all over the last 6 million years!? They really just stayed the same!?

Scientists show the bones of ape-like creatures and say these are the 'missing links' from ape to man, but this never gives the ancient apes the evolution consideration.

I'm not saying animals and humans don't evolve. On the contrary, I think we all evolve even noticeable today. I'm proposing that maybe those early remains that aren't quite human and are somewhat ape like are human ancestors. And maybe ape ancestors would be more primitive than apes of today.

So if you allow... Apes and humans didn't jump from one species to another, but maybe apes evolved and adapted to their environment to become the apes that live on earth today. And simultaneously, humans, already a separate species, evolved and changed to become humans of today...

How selfish to not let the apes evolve too. Did they just stay the same for millions of years while only our elite DNA moved on?

1 comment:

bob c. c. Jr. said...

I liked your take on evolution. Maybe you would like what I said regarding evolution on my blog. Why don't you visit.
